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Game Changers – Book Review


If you work in the area of Clinical Data Science there is a good likelihood that you enjoyed an education in mathematics, natural or computer science. This education usually lacks training in (self) managerial topics or other so called soft skills. Since I started my career at a CRO, I am a firm believer of continuous self-development. Hence I am always grateful to find good books about this topic. The new book “Game Changers – What Leaders, Innovators, and Mavericks Do to Win at Life” by professional Biohacker Dave Asprey is one of the best books about self-development I have read since ages. If you have ever been in a situation in your private or work life, where you struggled with stress, living a healthy life-style, unhappiness, you should take a look at this book and test if some of the actionable tips work for you.

Let me first give you some idea about the author of this brilliant book though. Dave Asprey is an entrepreneur and New York Times best-selling author. He is one of the pioneers of biohacking, which is the art of deep scientific insight how your body functions and how you can upgrade your brain, your body and your life. Dave also runs a podcast with the title “The Bulletproof Radio”, which is one of the most listened to podcasts on iTunes. So this guy really knows what he is writing about.

Like many of us, Dave Asprey has a degree in computer information systems. Maybe that is the reason why I can relate so much to his structured approach. In his podcast, Dave interviews top performers in various fields. He has interviewed top athletes, CEOs of game changing companies, or scientific leaders. He interviewed people like Arianna Huffington, Tim Ferris, Tony Robbins and many more leading people. At the end of his podcast, Dave always asks this interviewees the same question: “If tomorrow someone came to you and would ask you for three most valuable tips how he can become better in everything, what tips would that be?” With now more than 550 interviews, these tips have become an invaluable source of self-improvement ideas. For his new book “Game Changers”, Dave statistically analysed all responses to this question and found multiple patterns. He translated these patterns into 46 laws to change the game and clustered them in sections, which describe how to become smarter, faster and happier. All 46 laws are described with little anecdotes based on the interviews he took. They also come with actionable tips, recommended readings and listening.

What I really like about his style is that Dave Asprey recommends not trying and copying all these successful people. The better approach is to identify areas in the book you can relate to and see if you can improve by applying some of the tips described in the book. Maybe you have a difficult time to relax, focus or feel that you are not in control of your own life. Maybe you constantly push yourself beyond the limit and don’t feel happier even when you achieve your goals. Regardless of your current area of interest or challenge, you will find great advises in this book.

“Game Changers” is available at your favourite bookseller. So far it is only available in English, but other languages are scheduled to be published later this year. You can order it online also as a digital edition and even as an audio book, with a length of about 12 hours. If you want to get an idea, pick any show from his podcast, which is available for free.




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